Using in a future-orientation in dealing with conflicts
Anyone can, at some point, be faced with a conflict. Dealing ineffectively with conflicts may threaten your relationships. Examples of ways of dealing with conflicts which usually do not work well are: expressing negative emotions, being hostile, seeking revenge, and making accusations. It is usually more effective to control your emotions, be forgiving, accepting personal blame, and looking at the situation from a distance. But in the heat of the moment it can be hard to come up with an effective way of responding to conflicts. A new publication identifies an effective way of responding.
In two experiments (1 with students, 2 with older adults) they had participants reflect on a conflict they had had with their romantic partner. Participants were either asked to describe their present thoughts while looking back on the conflict (present-orientation) or to describe what their thoughts about the conflict one year from now would be about the conflict (future-orientation).
Huyn et al. (2016)
Huyn et al. (2016) examined how taking a future-oriented perspective, by asking yourself what you might think about the conflict in the future, can help in solving the conflict. Their hypothesis was that adopting a future-orientation gives one a broader perspective on the situation. This may help to divert attention away from personal feelings and behaviors in the here-and-now which may make it easier to be non-defensive and non-accusatory and more forgiving (and thus more effective). The figure below shows their proposed model.In two experiments (1 with students, 2 with older adults) they had participants reflect on a conflict they had had with their romantic partner. Participants were either asked to describe their present thoughts while looking back on the conflict (present-orientation) or to describe what their thoughts about the conflict one year from now would be about the conflict (future-orientation).